One of the strongest advocates for wild salmon, and an opponent of salmon farming on the West Coast, is Alexandra Morton. You’ll find her sampling expedition last weekend interesting. If you wish to see more of her studies and
Coho Bon Voyage – Sunday June 5th, 2016, 11 am – 2 pm
Parents and kids welcome! Every year on the first Sunday in June the Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club has an Open House at the Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery in Crippen Park on Bowen Island. This is a very special event for
Why are salmon dying in the Salish Sea?
A major scientific effort is underway to find out why salmon stocks have declined in the Strait of Georgia, Juan de Fuca Strait and Puget Sound, which together form the Salish Sea. The initiative is being driven by two non-profit
Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club AGM – Sunday, April 10th 2016, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
You are welcome to attend our 2016 Annual General Meeting which will take place Sunday, April 10th, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM in the Bill Rush Memorial Classroom at the Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery in Crippen Park. Parking is available
Year-End Holiday Best Wishes
BIFWC volunteers have been busy throughout 2015; raising and releasing 100,000 chum and 20,000 coho fry into the ocean and Bowen creeks in the spring, maintaining the climbing pools and spawning area at Explosives Creek which flows
Protecting Bowen Beaches and Offshore Waters From Illegal Poaching
The following article appeared in the Undercurrent, Bowen Island’s local newspaper in mid-November, 2015
Earlier this month a resident of Bowen Island observed the crew and guests of a recreational power boat, which regularly visits
Coho Bon Voyage June 2015 Report
Coho Bon Voyage last month was again successful as many Bowen children and their parents helped BIFWC volunteers release the last of our coho fry into Terminal Creek. Smiles and laughter all around and an educational opportunity
A letter to members and supporters…
As you are aware, Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery operations ceased for the summer after the last of the coho fry were released at Coho Bon Voyage on June 1st. BIFWC volunteers had a very busy season and this update highlights some
Coho Bon Voyage – Sunday, June 1st, 2014 11am – 3pm
Sunday, June 1, 2014, 12:00 to 3:00 PM
Every year on the first Sunday in June the Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club has an Open House at the Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery in Crippen Park on Bowen
Tunstall Beach Project Aims to Revive Creek for Salmon Spawning
By Meribeth Deen, Bowen Island Undercurrent, May 2, 2014.
On the weekend of May 3, public access to Tunstall Bay beach will be blocked off so that the Bowen Island Fish and Wildlife Club can complete a project that aims to restore