Our Partners Who Make Everything Possible
The BIFWC is made up entirely of volunteers who depend on the generosity and dedication of our partners. Our Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Community Advisor, Rob Bell-Irving, is invaluable providing advice and support for ‘all things salmon’ with emphasis on hatchery operations and habitat rehabilitation projects.
StreamTalk is published collaboratively by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and stewardship, enhancement, education, and streamkeeper groups in B.C. and the Yukon that care for salmon and their habitat.The current issue can be viewed here.
The Pacific Streamkeepers Federation, headed by Zo Ann Morten, provides on-site volunteer training and advice when we are concerned about anything which may impact the health of local streams.
Without funding from the Pacific Salmon Foundation we could not do the habitat rehabilitation work we’ve done on Bowen Island. Their Salmon Steward Magazine is very interesting and points out how much of an effort is going toward salmon enhancement throughout BC.
The story in this 2014 issue about coho is particularly informative – how coho, once a very active population in Bowen streams, have almost disappeared from the Salish Sea and the research being done to find out why.
Additionally, we’ve always received support and encouragement from Bowen Island Municipality staff and elected Council. I usually present to Council several times each year updating them on current habitat projects, hatchery production, and any issues impacting streams and fish habitat.
There is another partner, who perhaps we’ve taken for granted, that should be thanked for their quiet contribution to salmon enhancement for over 30 years on Bowen Island. Metro Vancouver Parks, part of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), is the owner of the Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery building in Crippen Park. The have allowed BIFWC volunteers, under the guidance of DFO, to operate the hatchery and carry out salmon enhancement activities from the hatchery. They have also allowed the Island Discovery Learning Community to hold classes several days of the week in the hatchery Forest Classroom.