Year-End Holiday Best Wishes

BIFWC volunteers have been busy throughout 2015; raising and releasing 100,000 chum and 20,000 coho fry into the ocean and Bowen creeks in the spring, maintaining the climbing pools and spawning area at Explosives Creek which flows across Tunstall Beach into the ocean, working with Metro Vancouver Parks to maintain the fish ladders at Bridal Falls, assuring good water quality from Carter Pond to the Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery, and monitoring the health of creeks during a very dry summer. We observed chum spawners in the Lagoon this fall and hope to see coho spawners over the next few weeks. Unfortunately, chum and coho returns to the West Coast have not been as strong as in previous years.

In November we received 100,000 pink salmon eggs which are now incubating in the hatchery. In early January we’ll received 100,000 chum eggs and before the end of January between 20,000 and 40,000 coho eggs. Every day BIFWC volunteers check the quality of the water flowing into the hatchery and the health of the eggs as they grow from eyed eggs to alevins to fry.

I wish to thank our salmon enhancement partners for their continued support: Fisheries & Oceans Canada, the Pacific Salmon Foundation, the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation, Metro Vancouver Parks, and Bowen Island Municipality.

Most of all, I’d like to express appreciation to all the volunteers and residents of Bowen Island who love and support wild salmon.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best throughout 2016.

Tim Pardee

Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club
