Coho Bon Voyage last month was again successful as many Bowen children and their parents helped BIFWC volunteers release the last of our coho fry into Terminal Creek. Smiles and laughter all around and an educational opportunity for the community to recognize the importance of salmon enhancement and protecting fish habitat. The salmon hatchery is now closed until the fall.
The 2015 hatchery season production results are under Hatchery Production on the Home page. I’d like to recognize Mike von Zuben for training and organizing hatchery volunteers – great work Mike!
In May, a group of BIFWC members attended the 2015 SEP (Salmon Enhancement Program) Community Workshop in Port Alberni. Over the weekend we learned a great deal about salmon enhancement ‘best management practices’ and various research and rehabilitation projects impacting salmon. Detailed information and links to Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation, and The Pacific Streamkeepers Federation websites are in the Partners section of our website (link under my signature below or google Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club).
Three BIFWC volunteers completed the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation streamkeeping course in late June, adding to our capacity to monitor the health of Bowen waterways and evaluate returning salmon spawners.
Several streamkeepers are monitoring coho fry in our creeks during this current dry period. At this time there is sufficient water flow to support coho, cutthroat trout, and other aquatic species but, if dry conditions persist into August, smaller creeks such as Grafton and Davies may completely dry up. We’re all hoping for rain!
I’d like to thank all of you for your support throughout the 2015 season.
Have a great summer.
Tim Pardee
(604) 512-5245
Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club